Creating text selection ui with use-text-selection
is a little react hook that gives you the position and dimensions, as well as the text content of a text selection.
You can use this with react based editing frameworks such as slate.js or draft.js or just by itself - depending on your usecase.
With this data you can create UI like the floating medium rich text menu:
Or autocomplete UI like you’d find in an IDE:
However, this UI doesn’t have to be inside an editable text area. You can apply it to any text area, like mediums share/annotate menu when you select text:
And here’s how simple it is to use:
import { useTextSelection } from 'use-text-selection'
const MyTextSelectionComponent = () => {
const { clientRect, isCollapsed } = useTextSelection()
// to constrain text selection events to an element
// just add the element as a an argument like `useTextSelection(myElement)`
return <MyComponent
style={{ left: clientRect.x, top: clientRect.y }}
You can find the github repository here along with a basic example. The package is on npm too.